Meetings & Events
All MRC meetings are open the public. Active participation is encouraged. Please see MRC Policies and Procedures (2023) regarding meeting protocols and formal public comment.
2025 Volunteer Vacancies
The Whatcom Marine Resources Committee (MRC) is a diverse group of informed citizens serving to promote and facilitate actions that will protect and restore the marine ecosystem and its resources. There are vacancies available to represent various interest groups. Click for more information.
Reporting 'white water'
Pacific Herring spawning season is in full swing! So far this year, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife have seen herring spawn spawn at Semiahmoo Bay, Skagit Bay, Fidalgo Bay, Port Susan and Port Gamble. Check out this info card on identifying and reporting ‘white water’ (a potential indication of herring spawning) and help the WDFW survey team.